Pastor Ryan Gaffney

Vampires and Jesus

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William Dafoe in the morningAt this time of year it’s not surprising to see the vampire hysteria that’s overwhelmed out nations tweens reach a fever pitch. And with it the conservative counter-frenzy against vampires and all their demonic origins from the fundamentalist right. I thought I’d take this opportunity to put a moderate spin on this polarizing issue

Consider this, as you consider that more than 50 percent of the costumes you’ll see tomorrow are likely to be vampire themed in one way or another. Is that really such a bad thing for our youth to be fixated on?

Yes, I know vampires are demonic, but they’re also the bad guys I know more than one piece of literature Christians approve of featuring demonic bad guys, not the least of which is the bible itself.

And if the next generation of youth becomes preoccupied with a universe where vampires that stalk in the night, fear crosses and holy water, and make decisions to raise their family as “vegitarians” for fear of eternal damnation, then doesn’t that mean they’re preoccupied with a sort of christian universe? A universe where the cross still has power?

And what of the modern vampires? The Post-Anne Rice breed of vampires that inevitably decide that they want to oppose the blood sucking variety and fall in love. Well that, to me sounds like a pretty fitting analogy for the christian life. What is Blade, or edward but

  • A Damned being
  • With an Evil Nature
  • And a Dependency for Blood
  • Granting Immortality
  • Which is Torturous unless One denies Onesself
  • To become a Champion for Good

I can’t say I see anything particularly wrong with that message.

Now of course the writing quality of twilight is another matter entirely. Surely that is a sin!

Happy Haloween Everyone.

Written by RyanGaffney

October 30th, 2010 at 12:01 am

Posted in Uncategorized

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