Pastor Ryan Gaffney

Goodbye To Self Hosting

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If you’ve been following the blog (and why wouldn’t you follow a blog as original and fascinating as this one) then you will probably have noticed that I haven’t been updating lately.

This no doubt lead to sleepless nights on your part.

“Is Ryan Done?”
“is he out of ideas”
“Did he get blogger’s block”
“Was he killed in a tragic alligator wrestling accident?”

No, no, no, and not yet!

Instead I’m moving to a new host (again) and yet again I’m moving up in the world.

The new host is called beliefnet, and they are actually going to be paying me per visit to my new blog and publicizing for me. I’ve made a commitment, not to profit personally from my commissions here, but instead am donating it all directly into my ministry budget.

For me, That means I’m still waiting fot the gravy train to roll up and make me a best selling author 🙁

But for you. It means you can now actually support the my ministry financially by reading and supporting my blog

If you make your homepage, I’ll get a thousandth of a cent in my budget every morning when you turn on your computer. If you occasionally peruse through the articles, the ministry get’s money. and if you tell your friends and they tell their friends and you all actually enjoy what i write and don’t mind coming back again, we can fund this ministry completely without taking a cent out of anyone’s pockets (expect for the people with the stupid dermatologist ads)

Go check it out (and update your bookmarks)

EDIT: Doe to Beliefnet deciding to drown my readers in misleading adds, I am now double publishing the blog

Written by RyanGaffney

April 20th, 2011 at 3:06 am

Posted in Uncategorized