Pastor Ryan Gaffney

Writing another Faith Statement

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I’m smiling to myself here at the coffee shop as I begin to write another personal statement of faith. I’ve written at least five previously. One might expect that the process would become easier with practice, or perhaps harder as my faith grows in complexity. In my case however, I find myself slamming against the same hurdle every time.

The objective is to write something unique, and descriptive. I know that you want to read something that speaks to who I am as an individual in my relationship to God and the Christian tradition. I search myself therefore for descriptions of my unique perspective on Christianity, and then cut myself off at the knees by attempting to focus on those beliefs which are most important.

For me, the beliefs which are most important are least unique. The essential beliefs of the Christian faith are those about which we all agree. Jesus is Lord, fully divine and fully human, he died on the cross and rose again bodily. I cannot do better in this regard than the great creeds which already exist, they say it more articulately, more accurately, and with more authority than I can.

On the other hand those aspects of the faith which are most unique to me, and most descriptive of my personality, are those which I regard as least important. They are not convictions, they are preferences. I think a lot, and experiment with new tools and new expressions. Like to engage scripture in group conversation, and I prefer the narrative portions to the poetic. I love evangelism and mission, and my favorite, most transcendent experiences of God tend to come from the gutter, rather than the sanctuary. There is not a word of that however, which is not subject to change and grow as I do.
I don’t introduce this tension to fill space. Through the process of writing and rewriting statements of faith for various governing bodies I’ve come to see significance in the tension. The most meaningful expression of my faith which I can muster seems to lie in this tension itself. I am a person who is uniquely and particularly preoccupied with this tension. I have a relationship to God which is unlike anyone else who has ever lived, but more importantly, I have a faith which is very much like every other Christian in the history of the world.
I believe in God the Father Almighty…

Written by admin

April 8th, 2015 at 10:45 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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