Pastor Ryan Gaffney

And Another Thing…

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And of course when one thinks of revival of a project, it also bears mentioning some things that have changed since “Fear of Whales” about my call to ministry. I’m not only an ordained and established minister, I’m also a father.

We welcomed a beautiful baby girl into the world on Juneteenth, and I got to bring her home on father’s day. Now the world is entirely different.

I don’t tend to talk about my major life changes here with you, I have, this past decade, kept most of these posts strictly ideological. I didn’t talk much about my wedding, for instance, or the romance that took place before it. But then, back then this was a blog about my apprehensions, mistakes, and ideas in preparing for ministry. Now it is becoming something else. So maybe I will begin to. As a pastor, in many ways it is safer, less controversial, less of a confidence issue, to talk about my own life than it is to talk about my ministry experiences. I am as curious as you are to learn what this may become.

On that note, I think I have mentioned before how bad I feel every time I make a blog post about blogging. I talk about the nature of what I am doing and my vision and my goals, and I apologize for not updating more. and then I start updating and then I do it again. I’m not apologizing this time. I’m a dad I have more important things to do than write this blog, if I stop updating, that’ll be why. But i also have the potential to grow and learn, and build an audience as this blog has done before and could again, and this post, this post right here, it’s not even really for you. Dear reader, if there even is even one of you. This one is for me. This one is about getting back in the habit of putting pen to paper week after week after week. And I’m going to have to do that for a while before anyone wants to read any of it.

Written by admin

July 17th, 2020 at 3:53 am

Posted in Uncategorized

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