Pastor Ryan Gaffney

The Problem with Waiting Too Long

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I wrote an article last week about waiting. I want to tell you why I have such a bee in my bonnet about that messaging and how wrong it is.

It’s not just that I have been encouraged to wait around a lot (as you might expect) being told as a young person starting in ministry that I was too young for everything I was ready to do, and needed to wait around until i satisfied someone else’s criterion for minimum age.

It’s not just a personal concern. It’s also a pastoral one.

Me? Who’s me. I don’t matter, I’m weird anyway. But I have seen this idea impact my congregants negatively, sometimes fatally.

I want to tell you the story of my friend Rick. Rick was in his 50s when I met him, and he had not been active int he church for a long while, but he came by one day asking if he could borrow some tables. I fortunately was in the office and was able to help him, and through that small act of generosity a new friendship was formed and he started attending again.

Rick was young for his age, both in good ways and bad ones. He was vibrant and active, and a little immature. he had a drug problem early in his life and those sorts of things often lead to stinted development, but he was clean now and seeking to walk the straight and narrow.

Rick would often tell me about hos it had been his lifelong ambition to be a full time minister. To preach the gospel, and how, in the short term he hoped to start a mission ministry to serve the poor near him. I said that sounded great.

He also said, many times “You know, when I was younger I would sometimes get out ahead of God, and the preachers would have to reel me back in, get me to not go so fast” at one point I got kind of annoyed by this “god is really fast” I said “god is faster than you, you can’t outrun him” but he had been taught this enough times to internalize it.

”I have so much I want to do, so much God has left for me” he would say “I don’t feel like this is the end” Rick had terminal cancer.

He believed (bargaining) that God would keep him alive, because surely he still needed to fulfill all the promises he had made to god his whole life long, promises which he wasn’t procrastinating on, so much a piously and obediently waiting to be given permission to begin. The man was twice my age, with a year to live, and still hoping to get started at some nonspecific day in the future.

Rick became a deacon at our church, he served as a wonderful member. But he never got to become the preacher he could have been, nor start the mission, nor spread his art and his poetry beyond our little family. He waited too long

des | wandavision spoilers on Twitter: "What I look like What I look like  watching after waiting a #WandaVision whole week for on Friday's at 2AM  another episode to be released…"

Written by admin

March 14th, 2021 at 4:28 am

Posted in Uncategorized

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